Supreme Court grants Trump partial immunity for presidential actions: Impact on American democracy »
La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos ha dictaminado este lunes que Donald Trump puede reclamar inmunidad frente al procesamiento penal por algunas de las acciones que llevó a cabo en los últimos días de su presidencia. El Tribunal Supremo concedió una inmunidad parcial al expresidente Trump en relación con el caso del asalto al Capitolio,
How to Renew or Replace Your Permanent Resident Card?
Ser residente permanente en los Estados Unidos conlleva la responsabilidad de mantener tu Tarjeta de Residente Permanente (USCIS Form I-551) actualizada. Esta tarjeta no solo prueba tu estatus de residente permanente, sino que también es un documento de identificación válido y prueba de que puedes vivir y trabajar en los Estados Unidos. Aquí te explicamos
How to Renew or Replace Your Permanent Resident Card? Leer más »
The former Honduran president seeks a maximum sentence of 40 years.
Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández will be sentenced on Wednesday in New York for drug trafficking and other charges, with his defense seeking to avoid a life sentence for him. Hernández's attorneys have asked the federal court to impose a 40-year sentence instead of life imprisonment, as reported on […]
The former Honduran president seeks a maximum sentence of 40 years. Leer más »
President Biden announces new measures to keep families together.
Since the beginning of his term, President Biden has urged Congress to secure the border and reform the failed immigration system. While congressional Republicans have prioritized partisan politics over national security, rejecting the most significant and fair reforms in decades twice, the president and […]
President Biden announces new measures to keep families together. Leer más »